

1月31日寄出. //请预留10个工作日到达. 任何形式 邮局无法转发的将退回学院. 如果你符合条件 并没有收到表格,请等到2月. 联系收银处, cashier@sh-fyz.com, 509-682-6509. 如WVC没有收到邮局寄回的表格,你可 可以和收银员联系购买一份吗.


To be able to receive your 1098-T Tax documentation in ctcLink, you will first need 登入ctcLink 学生主页. 然后,单击 在这里 按指示同意及上网查阅1098-T表格.

If you have any questions about your 1098T, contact the Cashier office at (509 682 6500).

请更新您的 联系信息 12月31日前st . Originals 1098-T 返回ed to the college will be held in Cashiering (509-682-6500, or cashier@sh-fyz.com)至6月1日.

2月15日之后,可以从WVC出纳处购买重印版th 为8美元.00.

教育税收优惠- 1098-T

美国国税局(IRS)表格1098-T于1月10日寄出. 对所有缴纳了合格学费和其他费用的学生 上一历年向其支付的相关教育费用.

The 1098-T form is informational only and should 不 be considered as tax advice. It serves to alert students that they 可能符合条件 for federal income tax education 学分 such as the Lifetime Learning Credit and the Hope Credit as part of their 联邦所得税申报表. 美国国税局970号出版物《皇冠8868会员登录》 as well as Chapter 35 of IRS Publication 17 provide additional information on these 学分. 虽然这是一个很好的起点,但1098-T的设计和监管 by the IRS, does 不 contain all of the information needed to claim a tax 信贷. To determine the amount of qualified tuition and fees paid, and the amount of scholarships 纳税人收到补助金后,应使用自己的财务记录. 没有 IRS requirement that you must claim the tuition and fees deduction or an education 信贷. 申请教育税收优惠是有可能的人的自愿决定 有资格.


The 1098-T form is used by eligible educational institutions to report information 根据1997年《皇冠6686会员登录》的要求,向美国国税局申报他们的学生. 符合条件的 educational institutions are required to submit the student's name, address, taxpayer's identification number (TIN), enrollment status, amounts pertaining to qualified tuition 以及相关费用、奖学金和/或助学金,无论是否应纳税. 1098-T表格 还必须提供给每个适用的学生吗.
  1. 你会 receive a 1098-T only if you had out-of-pocket payments, whether paid by 你还是用贷款,为“合格的教育费用”买单.美国国税局970号出版物定义 “合格的教育费用”作为 学费、杂费和书本费
  2. 你会 我收到了学费部分的1098-T表格 免税教育援助.   根据IRS指南:  If you pay qualified education expenses with certain tax-free funds, you can不 claim 这些金额的贷记. 你必须减少合格的教育费用 您收到的任何免税教育援助和退款的金额.  因此,1098-T是 签发的部分学费支付 免税教育援助 包括:
    • 奖学金和助学金的免税部分;
    • 佩尔助学金,
    • 雇主提供的教育援助;
    • 退伍军人教育援助,和/或
    • Any other nontaxable (tax-free) payments (other than gifts or inheritances) received 作为教育援助(包括CAP和FSEOG补助金).
 In January of each 一年, 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College provides secure electronic access 到你的1098-T. 此国税局1098-T表格适用于所有符合条件的学生 and other related educational expenses billed to them during the previous calendar 一年. 

是的. 《皇冠6686会员登录》第6050S条,由纳税人救济局颁布 Act of 1997, requires institutions to file information 返回s to assist taxpayers and the IRS in determining eligibility for the Hope and Lifetime Learning education 税收抵免.

The IRS instructs institutions to report either payments received (Box 1) or amounts 1098-T表格上符合条件的学费和相关费用(栏2). 曾经是一个机构 has selected one of these options, they can不 change reporting methods between calendar 未获国税局许可的年数. 皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院报告合格的学费和 related expenses that were billed during the tax 一年 ( Box 2 ); t在这里fore, Box 1 -已收到的合格学费和相关费用将为空白.

Qualified tuition 及相关费用 refer to tuition and required fees, such as segregated fees and lab fees, a student must pay to be enrolled at or attend an eligible 教育机构.  学费减免和减免被认为是减少 合格的学费和费用.


  1. Amounts paid for any course or education involving sports, games or hobbies unless the course or other education is required as part of the student's degree program 或被用来获得或提高工作技能.
  2. Charges and fees for room, board, insurance, transportation, personal, living and 其他家庭开支.
  3. The cost of books and equipment are generally 不 qualified expenses because eligible educational institutions usually do 不 require that the cost of the books or equipment be paid to the institution as a condition of the student's enrollment or attendance 在机构里.  然而,一些校园可能会强制收取教科书费或租金 该计划可作为合格的相关费用包括在内.

不一定. WVC需要提供“账单金额”和“奖学金” or grant" figures to help you determine the amount of qualified expenses you can claim 填写在8863表格上. 根据《皇冠6686会员登录》第25A条,纳税人可以申请 an education tax 信贷 only with respect to qualified tuition 及相关费用 在日历年内支付(不计费). 您需要查看您的付款记录 确定实际支付的合格费用. 记住,合格的金额支付 通过学生贷款可以算作符合这些目的的付款. 奖学金和 收到的补助金可能会减少您的合格付款金额. 参见IRS出版物970 以确定您的合格费用支付金额的信息.

This information may be found on your campus' Student Information Systems on your 学费账户或皇冠8868会员登录账单历史记录. 如果你是家长的话 for this information for a student, please ask your student to access this information 为你.

This box shows the amount of any tuition and fees reductions in the current calendar 在前一个日历年度中收取的费用.

The figure in Box 5 includes scholarships, grants and, if applicable, payments made 由第三方根据正式计费安排(如.e. 校外奖学金、雇主 提供教育援助(不论是否纳税)、军事援助等.), 都是由皇冠8868会员登录谷学院管理的. 如果你收到了其他形式的 outside scholarships and grants 不 administered by WVC, it is your responsibility 相应地调整数字. 第三方付款不包括已支付的款项 由你的父母或其他个人.

皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College does 不 determine whether your education benefits are being 由雇主课税. 因此,奖学金和助学金增加了100% employer provided payments under a formal billing arrangement and it is up to the student to adjust their qualified tuition 及相关费用 accordingly based on 雇主福利的可征税性.

This box shows the amount of any scholarship, grant, and if applicable, third party reductions in the current calendar 一年 for aid that was 信贷ed in a previous calendar 一年.

Box 8 will 不 be checked if you were 不 enrolled at a half-time status during an 在日历年内注册或计费的学术期间. 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College checks this box if you were half-time or more for at least one term 年内开始. 这些信息对于确定资格非常重要 希望信贷.

表格上最重要的信息是你的社会安全号码 . You must submit a written request to change or correct your SSN by mail or in person 注册官办公室. 您可能需要提供一份已签署的、清晰的副本 your Social 安全 card or complete Form W-9S (Request for Student's or Borrower's 纳税人识别号码及证明). W-9S表格是美国国税局的官方表格 用来说明你的社会安全号码. 您只需要在申请时填写此表格的第一部分 a 1098-T. 在标有“纳税人识别号”的空白处输入您的社会安全号.”

一般来说,外国学生不能申请学分. 然而,一些外国学生 可能符合条件. 审查国税局的表格,说明和出版物的指导.

你的名字是你的税务信息的关键元素. 联系WVC注册办公室 at (509) 682-6835.

No. The address shown on Form 1098-T is irrelevant for IRS income tax filing purposes. 但是,您应该确保WVC拥有您的当前信息. 

2月15日之后,可以从WVC收银员处购买重印版th 为8美元.00.
